Strategic Objective

  • To unite Library and information professionals, persons and organizations connected with, and interested in the promotion of the library and information services in Uganda
  • To promote standards of practice within Library and information science (LIS) in Uganda
  • To lobby and advocate for positive legislation and employment related to the LIS profession in Uganda and East African region
  • To promote professional development and continuing education of the library and information professionals through meetings, offer scholarships, recommendations, lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences and exchange visits in Uganda
  • To monitor and advise on educational standards in all library and information sciences training institutions in Uganda
  • To capture and disseminate professional messages for the consumption of the Association’s membership and the general public in Uganda
  • To promote access to information and freedom of expression in Uganda
  • To promote research and publishing in library and information science in Uganda
  • To mobilize and raise funds to further the interests of the Association in Uganda and beyond
  • To collaborate with organizations and associations of similar interests to further the above objectives in Uganda and beyond.